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- config
- -users is created in LDAP. Since GOsa cannot work with uppercase groups, you have to rename both groups ... the used groups have the groupOfNames objectclass with member attributes containing the dn's of all memb... To do so, we need to use groupOfNames together with posixGroup (groupOfNames stores the dn in the mem... To change to the rfc2307bis.schema (not needed with newer SuSE distros!): 1. create an ldif from yo
- mozilla_funambol @linux:commserv:egroupware:clients
- ==== Mozilla Thunderbird with Mozilla Lightning and Funambol-plugin ==== Mozilla Lightning:\\ http://ww
- outlook_funambol @linux:commserv:egroupware:clients
- ==== Outlook with Funambol ====
- win-mobile5_synthesis @linux:commserv:egroupware:clients
- ==== WM5 with Synthesis-Client ==== -------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: Re: SyncML Clie