Unten sind die Ergebnisse Ihrer Suche gelistet.
- config
- l GOsa-release): # Some sort of "detection" of suse %{?suse_version:%define suse 1} %{!?suse_version:%define suse 0} # Define Packagename, e.g.: # rpmbuild --rebuild --define
- gosa2egw
- ou if they store it in the suggested way. They use a maximum size of 128, strange. Just try it. ... <div style="height:10px;"></div> {if $use_dob eq 1} - <select id="day" name=day onCh... if($this->parent->by_object['user']->use_dob){ - $contents= preg_replace("/%$... var $dateOfBirth; + var $birthDate; var $use_dob= "0"; var $gender="0"; var $preferr
- gosa_secure
- -cert" in the connect-string is important, if you use self-singed certificates. See [[