

Unten sind die Ergebnisse Ihrer Suche gelistet.

spamassassin @linux:email:spamassassin
44 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
fe 0 # Enable the Bayes system use_bayes 1 # Enable Bayes auto-le... able network checks skip_rbl_checks 0 use_razor2 1 use_dcc 1 use_pyzor 1 # to change the subject, e.g. use # rewrite_h
spamreport @linux:email:spamassassin
33 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
XXXX` || exit 1 DATENOW=`date +"%d.%m.%Y, %H:%M"` USERFOLDERS=`ls -1d /var/spool/imap/user/*` #USERFOLDERS="/var/spool/imap/user/haasc" LASTRUNFILE="/tmp/spam_lastrun" MAILSUBJECT_ONE="neue Mail in Ihr
amavisd @linux:email:amavisd
30 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
AmaVisd-new ==== **/etc/amavis/amavisd.conf:** use strict; # a minimalistic configuration file ... f pre-forked children (2..15 is common) $daemon_user = 'vscan'; $daemon_group = 'vscan'; # 200... .log"; $enable_db = 1; # enable use of BerkeleyDB/libdb (SNMP and nanny) $enable_global_cache = 1; # enable use of libdb-based cache if $enable_db=1 $inet_s
sasl @linux:email:postfix
25 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
{{:suse.png}} ==== SASL ==== A very conveniant way of configuring the **S**imple **A**uthentication and **S**ecurity **L**ayer (SASL) is to use the **P**luggable **A**uthentication **M**odules (PAM), since it can use diffrent authentication sources like ldap or /etc... simple ;-) \\ \\ \\ For configuring SASL with SUSE you have to modify several configuration files:\\
relayhost @linux:email:postfix
17 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
{{:suse.png}} ==== Postfix configuration for a relayhost (MX) / Anti-SPAM-/UCE-settings ==== smtp**d** ... ostfix sends mail** to another mailserver \\ ** used Ports:** 10023/tcp: postgrey 10024/tcp: ama... e_database = sdbm:/etc/postfix/smtp_scache smtp_use_tls = no smtpd_banner = $myhostname ESMTP $mail... ient, reject_rbl_client, reject_rbl_client,
postgrey @linux:email:greylisting
14 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
=PATH put daemon pid into this file --user=USER run as USER (default: postgrey) --group=GROUP run as group GROUP (default: nogro... t: `hostname`) --exim don't reuse a socket for more than one query (exim compatible
monitoring @linux:email:monitoring
12 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
rsion information and exit -c, --cat causes the logfile to be only read and not monitored ... file (default: current year) --host=HOST use only entries for HOST (regexp) in syslog -d, --... --ignore-localhost ignore mail to/from localhost (used for virus scanner)\n"; If -c is not specifi... "/srv/www/cgi-bin/" * install File::Tail: openSUSE 10.2: perl-file-Tail-0.99.3.rpm \\ == Queuegraph
postfix_secure @linux:email:postfix
6 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
{{:suse.png}} === Postfix with TLS and SSL (smtps) === Use a portscanner like "nmap": station7:/etc/init.d #... l= 7 smtp_tls_note_starttls_offer= yes #smtpd_use_tls = no smtpd_use_tls = yes smtp_use_tls = no smtpd_tls_auth_only = no tls_daemon_random_sour
config @linux:email:cyrus
5 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
{{:suse.png}} ==== Cyrus imapd / popd ==== \\ [[|{{suse.png|}}]]Modify /etc/cyrus.conf to: \\ START { recover cmd="ctl_cyrusdb -r" ... ot {6} S: + go ahead C: <omitted> S: L01 OK User logged in Authenticated. Security strength f
cyrus_secure @linux:email:cyrus
5 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
{{:suse.png}} === TLS, IMAP over SSL (imaps) and pop3 over SSL (pop3s) === === TLS === Modify / append... * Since the Cyrus-managementtool "cyradm" cannot use SSL or TLS, you have to define also a "normal" im... laintext settings in it. * Since SIEVE can only use STARTTLS and no SSL or TLSv1, you need to define ... essages !** \\ \\ === Testing === == imaps == Use a portscanner like "nmap": station7:/etc/init.d
ssh-smtp-tunnel @linux:email:postfix
5 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
# need to modify the `$remote_ip` value. $remote_user = "REMOTE-USER"; $remote_host = "REMOTE-HOST"; $remote_port = "25"; $remote_ip = ""; ## M... or if you need to start the tunnel as a non-root user, as ## OpenSSH only allows root users to start tunnels to low-numbered ## "privileged ports." If this
4 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
passen:** [L] unix - n n - - pipe flags=DRhu user=vmail argv=/usr/local/bin/maildrop -w 80 -d ${re... cipient} [VL] unix - n n - - pipe flags=F user=adminvac argv=/usr/local/bin/ $s... 755 /usr/local/bin/ ==== Create user adminvac with sudo for execute the vacation binary ==== # adduser adminvac # vi /etc/sudoers adminvac ALL=
config @linux:email:postfix
4 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:, reject_rbl_client, reject_rbl_client, reject_rbl_client, reject_unauth_pipelini... rwardingAddress,mail # SSL/TLS config smtp_use_tls = yes smtpd_use_tls = yes smtp_tls_note_starttls = yes smtpd_tls_key_file = /etc/postfix/ssl
sign @linux:email:amavisd:dkim
4 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
.\\ So ist es einfacher, die einzelnen Schlüssel auseinander zu halten, wenn mehrere benötigt, oder ein... m_signing = 0;): <code conf /etc/amavis/conf.d/50-user> # DKIM-Signierung: # $enable_dkim_signing = 1; ... o MTA to re-route mail from authenticated roaming users or # from internal hosts to a dedicated TCP por... ING'} = { # mail supposedly originating from our users originating => 1, # declare that mail was su
sieve @linux:email:cyrus
3 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
\\ **Sivtest:** station7: #/usr/bin/sivtest as user cyrus: cyrus@station7:~> sivtest -t /etc/ssl/p... ail wird im Folder "INBOX" abgelegt.\\ == if-clauses == if-Bedingungen bestehen aus dem Bestandteil ... n Optionen: > help Usage: sieveshell [-u username] [-a authname] [-r realm] <server> help
smtp-authentication @linux:email:postfix
3 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
verify @linux:email:amavisd:dkim
2 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
1 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
operation @linux:email:amavisd
1 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert: