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- gosa2egw
- from two different RFCs, I guess. Bad luck. GOsa uses dateOfBirth internally. So, the simpliest way... ou if they store it in the suggested way. They use a maximum size of 128, strange. Just try it. ... GOsa, since I didn't know whether eGroupWare also uses birthDate internally in the MySQL-database ... \... rus imapd access control list # acls work with users and groups @@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ objectclass (
- config
- nts and systems in LDAP databases. It administers users and groups, mail distribution lists, thin clien... l GOsa-release): # Some sort of "detection" of suse %{?suse_version:%define suse 1} %{!?suse_version:%define suse 0} # Define Packagename, e.g.: # rpmbui
- gosa_secure
- -cert" in the connect-string is important, if you use self-singed certificates. See [[