Unten sind die Ergebnisse Ihrer Suche gelistet.
Passende Seitennamen:
- config @linux:commserv:egroupware
- se The pgsql extension is needed, if you plan to use a pgSQL database. * extension odbc is loade... lse The odbc extension is needed, if you plan to use a MaxDB, MsSQL or Oracle database. * extens... alse The oci extension is needed, if you plan to use a Oracle database. * extension mbstring is ... srv/www/htdocs/egroupware/ to /var/lib/egroupware/ * Becau
- slapd_conf @linux:commserv:ldap
- onf ==== [[]] \\ \... size 2097152 dbconfig set_lg_dir /var/log # Automatically remove log files that are no longer needed. dbconfig set_flags DB_LOG_AUTOREMOVE # # Setting set_tas_spins reduces reso... tas_spins in BDB 4.4. # For multi-CPU systems, "tool-threads" should be set to the number of availab
- sarg @linux:commserv:squid
- ==== SARG ==== **/etc/crontab:** ### SQUID-Monitoring via Sarg: 00 06-19/1 * * * root /usr/local/chhaas-skripts/ today > /dev/nul 00 00 * * * root /usr/loca... Daily/Weekly/Monthly Squid usage reports creation tool # Written by Ugo Viti <> #... License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple P
- config @linux:commserv:gosa
- sa ==== GOsa is a GPL'ed PHP based administration tool for managing accounts and systems in LDAP datab... -SmbHash Download GOsa-source gosa-X.Y.Z.tar.bz2 to /usr/src/packages/SOURCES \\ Modify gosa.spec-file (apopt name from X.Y.Z. to the actual GOsa-release): # Some sort of "detec... ration Vendor: GONICUS GmbH Packager: Christoph Haas <> Buildarch: n
- config @linux:commserv:php
- === eGroupWare === When I added about 250 users to a group in GOsa or in eGroupWare, I encountered t... hosin Extension 0.9.10. And the defaults were way to small for my needs ...\\ The defaults were:\\ ... nfiguration settings. Many settings are required to have a # certain value for eGroupWare to function reasonably, so only change # something if you a
- ca @linux:commserv:ca
- Normally there is, but ocassionally several are stored in the same file. To list the number of certificates in a file, use the command below. If you get ... on multiple certificates in one file. The command to check the number of certificates in a file is: ... here's only one certificate in the file, you need to verify it. First up, find the fingerprint for the
- gosa2egw @linux:commserv:gosa
- rth internally. So, the simpliest way would be to remove the definition from the gosa+samba3.schema and add the alias 'dateOfBirth' to the evolutionPerson.schema's definition. I can't tell you if they store it in the suggested way. They use a maximum ... Am Dienstag 05 Juni 2007 15:05:35 schrieb Christoph Haas: > the gosa+samba3.schema conflicts with
- cpan2rpm @linux:commserv:other
- passed, the script will ``walk'' to determine the latest distribution. If an exact match is not found, the CPAN module is used to make this determination. If you have not yet configured this module, please refer to the REQUIREMENTS section below for further instru... ons. - a URL (both http:// and ftp:// style locators will work) - In this and the above case, an aut
- openssl_ca @linux:commserv:ca
- / -newca CA certificate filename (or enter to create) Making CA certificate ... Generati... .................++++++ writing new private key to './demoCA/private/./cakey.pem' Enter PEM pass p... - Enter PEM pass phrase: ----- You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated into your certificate request. What you a
- config @linux:commserv:apache2
- Apache2 starting withaut user-interaction is also to store a decrypted key, since without Apache will ask at every start for the password...\\ mv /etc/s... CHE_MODULES="access actions alias auth auth_dbm autoindex cgi dir env expires include log_config mime ... CHE_MODULES="access actions alias auth auth_dbm autoindex cgi dir env expires include log_config mime
- config @linux:commserv:squid
- d.conf:** icp_port 0 htcp_port 0 hierarchy_stoplist cgi-bin ? cache_swap_low 90 cache_swap_... /log/squid/cache.log cache_mem 3000 MB cache_store_log /var/log/squid/store.log emulate_httpd_log off mime_table /etc/squid/mime.conf log_mime_h... 20 acl all src acl manager proto cache_object acl localhost src
- pear_makerpm @linux:commserv:other
- d PECL === **What is PECL?**\\ PECL is a repository for PHP Extensions, providing a directory of all known extensions and hosting facilities for downlo... is short for "PHP Extension and Application Repository" and is pronounced just like the fruit.\\ ===... later PHP, you can use the 'pear makerpm' command to generate a specfile to build an RPM. \\ If pear
- pam @linux:commserv:ldap
- base dc=example,dc=com # The LDAP version to use (defaults to 3 # if supported by client library) ldap_version 3 # Hash password locally;... gan LDAP server, and works with Netscape # Directory Server if you're using the UNIX-Crypt # hash ... pam_password crypt # The distinguished name to bind to the server with. # Optional: default is
- gosa_secure @linux:commserv:gosa
- c/gosa.conf from: server="ldap://localhost:389" to: server="ldaps://localhost:636" tls="true" ... change in the "main"-section: forcessl="false" to: forcessl="true" Of course your Apache2-httpd ... "Databases" - "IMAP admin access" - "Connect URL" to: {} or: {127
- ldap_secure @linux:commserv:ldap
- daps:///" \\ **After all the above modifications to the OpenLDAP-configuration, restart the ldap daem... er public key is 1024 bit SSL-Session: Protocol : TLSv1 Cipher : AES256-SHA Se... s is a SSL-encrypted LDAP-connection. Try ZZ here to force TLS: station7:/etc/init.d # ldapsearch -H