Unten sind die Ergebnisse Ihrer Suche gelistet.
Passende Seitennamen:
- sasl
- == SASL ==== A very conveniant way of configuring the **S**imple **A**uthentication and **S**ecurity **L**ayer (SASL) is to use the **P**luggable **A**uthentication **M**odules (PAM... /sasl2/slapd.conf (SUSE 10.2) \\ You should have the following additional packages installed: * pam ... rcsaslauthd restart rccyrus restart \\ Watch the output in /var/log/messages carefully for any err
- relayhost
- faces to non-Postfix software. Be sure to examine the manual # pages of the non-Postfix software to find out what options it wants. # # Many of the following services use the Postfix pipe(8) delivery # agent. See the pipe(8) man page for informati
- ssh-smtp-tunnel
- traffic over ssh to a remote mailserver. ## Edit these values to reflect the authentication credentials for the ## SMTP server with which you wish to connect and send mail. If you... on your linode using an ## alternate port, modify the `$remote_port` value. You should not ## need to m
- postfix_secure
- nly running at port 25!** \\ === TLS === Modify the TLS-settings in /etc/postfix/ #--- SSL/T... \ === SSL for smtp - smtps === Modify / append the SSL-settings in /etc/postfix/ # =====... n 1000? 1 tlsmgr \\ **After all the above modifications to the Postfix-configuration, restart postfix and watch carefully the output in /v
- smtp-authentication
- ... permit_sasl_authenticated == Testing == Code the username "larrylaffer" with the password "kensentme" for SMTP_AUTH in base64: station7:~ # perl -MMI... bGFycnlsYWZmZXIAbGFycnlsYWZmZXIAa2Vuc2VudG1l Use the base64-output for a telnet session at port 25: ... smtp_sasl_auth_enable = yes Attention to the missing **d** - **NOT** smtp**d**_sasl_auth_enabl
- config
- === First, make sure that file openssl.cnf is in the specified path, otherwise find it # mkdir /etc... tc/postfix/ === Make sure that you have the following lines: smtps inet n - n - - smtpd