Unten sind die Ergebnisse Ihrer Suche gelistet.
- relayhost
- AM-/UCE-settings ==== smtp**d** (smtp + daemon) = server = **Postfix receives mail** from a client \\ smt... = client = **Postfix sends mail** to another mailserver \\ ** used Ports:** 10023/tcp: postgrey 10... y:unix:passwd.byname $alias_maps mail_name = MX-Server mail_owner = postfix mail_spool_directory = /... but your mail didn't come from a server. \\ **/etc/postfix/maps/freemail_gmx:** /(^|\.
- config
- } ===== Postfix ===== smtp**d** (smtp + daemon) = server = **Postfix receives mail** from a client \\ smt... = client = **Postfix sends mail** to another mailserver \\ === Edit /etc/postfix/ === queue_d... rt, ldap:tmap # LDAP transport source tmap_server_host = tmap_search_base = dc=jrios,dc... ret # GoSA main LDAP source virtualaliases_server_host = virtualaliases_server_port = 3
- ssh-smtp-tunnel
- === SMTP-over-SSH-Tunnel === Um zwei SMTP-Server (z.B. Mailserver im Heim-Netz zu Mailgateway bei Provider/Hoster) sicher miteinander zu verbinden, gibt e... glichkeit ist, ein OpenVPN-Tunnel zwischen beiden Servern.\\ \\ == SMTP-over-SSH-Tunnel == Eine andere Mög... ] # Forward smtp traffic over ssh to a remote mailserver. ## Edit these values to reflect the authenticat
- sasl
- _AUTHMECH=pam \\ /etc/saslauthd.conf: \\ ldap_servers: ldap:// ldap_version: 3 ldap_timeo... TP AUTH to authenticate itself with a remote mail server that offers SMTP AUTH. \\ saslfinger will try to... st verifies your host is able to reach the remote servers and shows what AUTH mechanisms they offer - in s... h the option -s it will collect data required for server-side SMTP AUTH. Server-side SMTP AUTH is when Pos
- ldap
- ng LDAP ==== **/etc/postfix/** server_host= ldaps://localhost:636 server_port= 636 start_tls = no tls_ca_cert_file = /etc/ssl/postfix/cer
- postfix_secure
- : 220 ESMTP Example Inc. Mailserver C: EHLO S: 250-station7.example.c
- smtp-authentication
- c/postfix/sasl_passwd separate lines for each mailserver you want to authenticate at: E.g. smtp.goneo.d