Unten sind die Ergebnisse Ihrer Suche gelistet.
Passende Seitennamen:
- config @linux:commserv:gosa
- pt-SmbHash >= 0.02,ImageMagick %endif BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root BuildArch: noarch %define confdir /etc/%{name} %if... %define apacheuser wwwrun %define apachegroup root %define webconf /etc/apache2/conf.d/ ... -rf %build %install # Create buildroot mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{webdir} # Copy DI
- fully_encrypted_debian
- 2 | Logical volume3 | Logical volume4 | | /dev/lv_root | /dev/lv_home | /dev/lv_var | /dev/lv_... vcreate -L 20G /dev/mapper/vg_green--hornet -n lv_root lvcreate -L 50G /dev/mapper/vg_green--hornet -n l... <code> mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/vg_green--hornet-lv_root mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/vg_green--hornet-lv_home mk... 4e9d-a948-d6811ab61dfa </code> ===mounten des lv_root=== <code> mount /dev/mapper/vg_green--hornet-lv_r
- dnssec
- nicht mehr unbedingt notwendig sein: <code bash> root@noc:~# apt install haveged root@noc:~# haveged </code> === Einstellungen für Bind === dnssec-validati... fault auf yes, sollte aber für das Management des root-key (/var/cache/bind/managed-keys.bind) in /etc/b... nierten nach gültigen DNSKEYs sucht. <code bash> root@noc:~# less /etc/bind/named.conf options {
- all @linux:debian
- itude -y -R install nullmailer ### .bashrc: cp /root/.bashrc /root/.bashrc.old cat << EOF > /root/.bashrc #export PS1='\h:\w\$ ' #umask 022 # You may uncomment the follo... -s checkwinsize # set variable identifying the chroot you work in (used in the prompt below) #if [ -z "
- pear_makerpm @linux:commserv:other
- aster_server@/get/@package@-%{version}.tgz BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-root URL: http://@master_server@/ Prefix: %{_prefix} Docdir: @doc_dir@/@pack... iption @description@ %prep rm -rf %{buildroot}/* %build echo BuildRoot=%{buildroot} %postun pear uninstall --nodeps -r @package@ # rm
- config @linux:commserv:egroupware
- n egw 1.4.001 (no pages are displayed): chown root.root /var/lib/egroupware/ * - Install-che... \ Header-Admin: * Language: english * Server Root Path: /srv/www/htdocs/egroupware * Include root: /srv/www/htdocs/egroupware * Header Username: egw-
- hardware @linux:debian
- nsole=tty0 console=ttyS1,57600n8r', z.B. # kopt=root=UUID=a2eb9fcf-d733-4a54-a924-bbf755e1fddd ro cons... rtificates (if applicable_ and the highest level (root) CA. It should # end with the server key. See 'do... , upsmon splits into two processes. One stays as root and # waits to run the SHUTDOWNCMD. The other on... kvm_$KVMName" angelegt! # zuerst fuer die beiden root -Accounts je einen SSH-Key generieren, dann die S
- sarg @linux:commserv:squid
- ID-Monitoring via Sarg: 00 06-19/1 * * * root /usr/local/chhaas-skripts/ today > /dev/nul 00 00 * * * root /usr/local/chhaas-skripts/ daily > /dev/nul 00 01 * * 1 root /usr/local/chhaas-skripts/ weekly > /dev/nul 30 02 1 * * root /usr/local/chhaas-skripts/ mont
- ca @linux:commserv:ca
- art panicing), we can install the certificate. As root (and now would be an ideal time to check you need to be root - only root should have write access, but the certs directory needs to be world readable). Copy your CA... 0 station7:/etc/ssl/certs # ll lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 11 Jul 13 17:57 552fe697.0 -> ca_cert.pem
- root-alarm @linux:debian
- === email-Alarm bei ROOT-Login: === # apt-get install mailx # cat << EOF > /root/.bashrc echo 'ALARM - Root-Login auf Maschine' $(hostname) 'am:' $(date) $(who) | mail -s "ALARM: Root-Login auf Maschine $(hostname) von $(who | grep r
- lvm_backup @linux:duplicity
- cond` Done with LVM-Volume $LVMNAME } backup_lvm root /root/bin/root-include.txt >>/var/log/lvm-backup.log 2>&1 backup_lvm home /root/bin/home-include.txt >>/var/log/lvm-backup.log 2>
- tipps @linux:ssh
- Server einspielen === <code console> ssh-copy-id root@HOSTNAME root@HOSTNAME's password: Now try logging into the machine, with "ssh 'root@HOSTNAME'", and check in: ~/.ssh/authorized_ke... User admin Host * User root ForwardX11 yes ForwardAgent yes <
- amavisd @linux:email:amavisd
- f subdirs to disperse quarantine # $daemon_chroot_dir = $MYHOME; # chroot directory or undef # $db_home = "$MYHOME/db"; # $helpers_home = "$MYHOME/var"; # prefer $MYHOME clean and owned by root? # $pid_file = "$MYHOME/var/"; # ... r/amavis/var/run/drwebd.sock', # suitable for chroot # # '/usr/local/drweb/run/drwebd.sock', # Fre
- operation @linux:email:amavisd
- ntine for files older than 31 days: #10 1 * * * root find /var/lib/amavis/virusmails/ -mtime +31 -exec rm {} \; #15 1 * * * root find /var/lib/amavis/tmp/ -mtime +31 -exec rm -r {} \; # oder: # 15 1 * * * root find /var/lib/amavis/ -iname "amavis-*" -mtime +31 -exec rm -r {} \; # oder: 10 1 * * * root find /var/lib/amavis/virusmails/ -mtime +31 -pri
- cyrus_secure @linux:email:cyrus
- \\ Test MECH=LOGIN: \\ station7:/ # imtest -a root -u root -m LOGIN -s verify error:num=20:unable to get local issuer certificate ... eted Please enter your password: C: L01 LOGIN root {6} S: + go ahead C: <omitted> S: L01 OK Us... \\ Test MECH=PLAIN: \\ station7:/ # imtest -a root -u root -m PLAIN -s verify