Unten sind die Ergebnisse Ihrer Suche gelistet.
- syntax @wiki
- ike this: [[|{{wiki:dokuwiki-128.png}}]] [[|{{wiki:dokuwiki-128.png}}]] Please note: The image formatting is the only forma... size: {{wiki:dokuwiki-128.png}} Resize to given width: {{wiki:dokuwiki-128.png?50}} Resize to given width and height((when the
- start
- chutz]] ==== ==== {{:jitsimeet_logo.png?150x80 }} * [[:jitsi:erste-hilfe|Erste-Hilfe ... === GNU/Linux ==== {{:powerd_by_gnu-linux360x640.png?120x120 }} * [[:linux:dnssec|DNSsec mit bind9... linux|Linux]] ==== Home-Automation ==== {{:fhem.png?60x80}}{{:openhab.png?60x80}}{{:homematic.png?60x80}} * [[:homeautomation:homeautomation|Homeautoma
- custom-layout @dokuwiki
- \\ <code> The site's logo :wiki:logo.png :logo.png lib/tpl/dokuwiki/images/logo.png The favicon :wiki:favicon.ico :favicon.ic... nd Android devices :wiki:apple-touch-icon.png :apple-touch-icon.png lib/tpl/dok
- linux @linux
- {{/debian-2.png?60x80 }} ==== Debian-Installation ==== * [[linux:debian|Installation von GNU/Debian a... mail:dovecot|MDA/IMAPd Dovecot]] \\ \\ {{/comserv.png}} ==== Kommunikations-Server ==== * [[linux:com... cations-server (groupware, fax)]] \\ \\ {{/icinga.png?150x50 }} ==== Monitoring ==== * [[linux:monito... Check-MK]] \\ \\ ==== ejabberd ==== {{/ejabberd.png}} * [[linux:ejabberd:neues_Certificate|Neues Ce
- email @linux:email
- pam, rspamd], SPF, DKIM, PFS etc. \\}} {{:postfix.png?80|}} ===== Postfix smtpd ===== Postfix ist ein s... ng:postgrey|PostGrey (Greylisting)]] {{:amavis-2.png?200x100}} ===== AmaVisd-new / Spamassassin / Clam... ion|AMaViSd-new operation]] {{:spamassassin_logo.png?100|}} ===== Spamassassin ===== * [[linux:email... linux:email:dovecot|MDA/IMAPd Dovecot]] {{:cyrus.png?80|}} ===== Cyrus imapd ===== * [[linux:email:c
- homeautomation @homeautomation
- {{:fhem.png}}{{:openhab.png}}{{:homematic.png}} === Home-Automation === * * http://for
- fully_encrypted_debian @linux
- mage: /usr/share/images/desktop-base/desktop-grub.png Linux-Abbild gefunden: /boot/vmlinuz-4.9.0-3-amd6... rub-install: Info: copying `/usr/lib/grub/i386-pc/png.mod' -> `/boot/grub/i386-pc/png.mod'. grub-install: Info: copying `/usr/lib/grub/i386-pc/lsmmap.mod' -
- xmpp @linux
- ===== XMPP===== {{:xmpp.png}} \\ \\ ==== ejabberd ==== {{:ejabberd.png}} * [[linux:ejabberd:neues_Certificate|Neues Certificate für ejabberd installieren]] \\ \\ ==== Prosody ==== {{:prosody.png}} * [[linux:prosody|Prosody]] \\
- desktop @linux:debian
- d openclipart openclipart-libreoffice openclipart-png openclipart-svg openclipart2 openclipart2-libreoffice openclipart2-png openclipart2-svg openssl openvpn openvpn-blacklis
- config @linux:email:cyrus
- {{:suse.png}} ==== Cyrus imapd / popd ==== \\ [[|{{suse.png|}}]]Modify /etc/cyrus.conf to: \\ START {
- monitoring @linux:email:monitoring
- MG BORDER=\"0\" SRC=\"$scriptname/queuegraph_${n}.png\" ALT=\"queuegraph\">\n"; @@ -157,4 +150,3 @@ s... 0\" SRC=\"/cgi-bin/queuegraph.cgi/queuegraph_${n}.png\"\n"; print "<H3>Mailgraph:</H3>"; print
- sidebar
- ==== ==== {{indexmenu>#1|js#bj-tango.png}} [[ sidebar|bearbeiten ]]
- sidebar @dokuwiki
- ==== {{indexmenu>#1|js#bj-tango.png}} [[ sidebar|bearbeiten ]] </code> -> [[:start|
- erweiterung_mit_bilder-galerie_erstellen @libreoffice
- _meineErweiterung: Es ist ein 42x42 Pixel-Bild im PNG-Format, das in der Extension Manager angezeigt wi