Unten sind die Ergebnisse Ihrer Suche gelistet.
- spamreport
- l/chhaas-skripts/spamreport_footer.txt" TOTAL_SYS_NEWSPAMCOUNT="0" TOTAL_SYS_OLDSPAMCOUNT="0" TOTAL_SYS... te # #################### # touch ${LASTRUNFILE}".new" echo ${DATENOW} > ${LASTRUNFILE}".new" ######################### # Get previous run date # #########... ## # Reset Counters # ################## NEWSPAMCOUNT=0 OLDSPAMCOUNT=0 TOTALSPAMCOUNT=0
- spamassassin
- ### exitcodeok=0 # all went well exitcodenewmsgs=1 # there were new messages - none of them spam # (if exitcodes is on) exitcodenewspam=2 # they were all spams ( if exitcodes is on) exitcodenewmsgspam=3 # there were new messages and new spam