Unten sind die Ergebnisse Ihrer Suche gelistet.
- all
- r setzten echo debconf debconf/frontend select Dialog | debconf-set-selections echo debconf debconf/pri... akete installieren (2): aptitude -y -R install dialog less vim screen tzdata debconf ssh psmisc rsyslog ncurses-term rsyslog mktemp file mc ntpdate bash-completion rsync nagios-plugins nagios-nrpe-server-co
- hardware
- thin the normal 15 second interval. Watch the syslog # for notifications from upsd about staleness. #... s with UPS %s lost" # NOTIFYMSG SHUTDOWN "Auto logout and shutdown proceeding" # NOTIFYMSG REPLBATT ... fault, upsmon sends walls (global messages to all logged in users) # and writes to the syslog when things happen. You can change this. # # NOTIFYFLAG <noti
- root-alarm
- === email-Alarm bei ROOT-Login: === # apt-get install mailx # cat << EOF > /root/.bashrc echo 'ALARM - Root-Login auf Maschine' $(hostname) 'am:' $(date) $(who) | mail -s "ALARM: Root-Login auf Maschine $(hostname) von $(who | grep root