
This documentation is work in progress, no liability for correctness can be given!


Because I had to look for a log time around the Internet, asking a lot of questions on mailing-lists, reading books and talking to friends for configuring my commserv, thus having quite a bit of hassle getting things working, I'd like give my experiences back to the comunity.

2007-06-28, Christoph Haas

As basis for this documentation I used GNU/Linux in the flavour of the OpenSUSE 10.x Debian distribution.
But since im now using Debian for a quite a couple of years, I'll rewrite all the distro-specific stuff step-by-step for Debian ;-).


In this documentation the following defaults are used:

Domain: \\ 
Hostname: station7 , FQDN: (thx to Ralf ;-)) \\
Username: larrylaffer
Password: kensentme 

This documentation is licensed under Creative Commons License 3.0:

attribution share alike


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  • linux/commserv.txt
  • Zuletzt geändert: 2017-04-25 15:00
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