
your access.log look slightly different from standart. may be you use CUSTOM log record. at and of standart record in you log you has addition field look like:

[User-Agent: TMhtload/\r\nAccept: */*\r\nHost: cm-t.activeupdate.trendmi

you have 2 way to fix this problem:
1) use standart log format
2) slightly modification

find in
     #check row with invalid record
     if ($#Lrest >= 0) {

and comment one line and add one new.
     #check row with invalid record
#       if ($#Lrest >= 0) {
       if (0) {

Sergey Erokhin


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  • linux/commserv/squid/lightsquid.txt
  • Zuletzt geändert: 2014-08-15 20:45
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