Installation of the Linux OS
SuSE 10.0 Professional
Because of problems with the 64-bit-version of the CAPI-driver for the AVM B1-Cards used in my commserv, only the 32-bit-version of SUSE 10.0 can be used. Maybe with later versions of openSUSE this changes …
a) packets
- Apache 2
- OpenLDAP
- for GOsa:
- apache2-mod_php5-5.0.4-9.6
- php5-5.0.4-9.6
- php5-gd-5.0.4-9
- php5-gettext-5.0.4-9
- php5-imap-5.0.4-9
- php5-ldap-5.0.4-9
- php5-mbstring-5.0.4-9.6
- php5-mcrypt-5.0.4-9
- php5-mysql-5.0.4-9
- php5-pgsql-5.0.4-9
- php5-snmp-5.0.4-9
- for GOfax:
- metamail 2.7.19 source: * mysql 4.1.13 * gdbm 1.8.3 source: * ggf. cups 1.1.23 * hylafax 4.2.1 * capi4hylafax 4.2.1 * i4lbase * i4lfirm * i4l-isdnlog * xled * (i4l-vbox answering-machine) * kisdnwatch * kam2 * Perl 5.8.7 * Perl-DBI 1.4.8 * Postfix * SQLgrey: * SQLgreyWebinterface (sgwi) * AmaVisd-new * SpamAssassin * Clam-AV * Cyrus: * cyrus-imapd * cyrus-sasl ==== b) Configuring the terminal-settings: ==== Since the in SUSE 10.0 for displaying terminals used font „Linux“ makes some trouble, it has to be changed to „normal“ and the terminal-settings must be saved.
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