

Unten sind die Ergebnisse Ihrer Suche gelistet.

80 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
g novell.ru novell.de novell.hu novell.co.uk endif # Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::URIDNSBL \\ ** ... can run # ps and see the command line arguments. If you really must do it non-interactively # then se... wordfilename=None # where the password is stored if requested savepw=0 # save the password # name of /dev/null if os.name=="nt": devnull="nul" else: devnul
7 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
################### OLDDATE=`cat ${LASTRUNFILE}` if [ -d ${TMPDIR} ]; then for DIR in ${USERF... MAILBOX: " ${MAILBOX} cd ${DIR} if [ -d "Junk" ]; then ################## # Re... ########## # Only do this if we have spam (${TOTALSPAMCOUNT} > 0) # ... ######################### if [ "${TOTALSPAMCOUNT}" -gt "0" ]; then ### echo