Unten sind die Ergebnisse Ihrer Suche gelistet.
- sarg @linux:commserv:squid
- it to your language # (EXCLUDELOG1) Exclude text from cron emails # + (normally, sarg, duri... l>" > $HTMLOUT/index.html } # Functions exclude_from_log () { cat $ERRORS | grep -v "$EXCLUDELOG1" |... IG -d $TODAY -o $DAILYOUT >$ERRORS 2>&1 exclude_from_log } daily () { DAILYOUT=$HTMLOUT/$DAILY mk... d $YESTERDAY -o $DAILYOUT >$ERRORS 2>&1 exclude_from_log } weekly () { WEEKLYOUT=$HTMLOUT/$WEEKLY
- config @linux:commserv:php
- AllowOverride None Order allow,deny Allow from all DirectoryIndex index.html index.php A... "\.inc\.php$"> Order allow,deny Deny from all </Files> </Directory> <Directory /... re/icalsrv.php Order allow,deny Allow from all </Location> <Location /egroupware/rpc.... unc_overload 0 Order allow,deny Allow from all </Location> == asynchronous Service (async
- config @linux:commserv:gosa
- nts, applications, phones and faxes. \\ Get GOsa from: [[]] \\ Project ... ges/SOURCES \\ Modify gosa.spec-file (apopt name from X.Y.Z. to the actual GOsa-release): # Some sort... wOverride None Order allow,deny Allow from all </Directory> # Set alias to gosa Alias ... ld -bb /usr/src/packages/SPECS/gosa.spec \\ GOsa from 2.5.11 on requires PHP >0 5.2.0 or 4.3.10 if gosa
- gosa2egw @linux:commserv:gosa
- tion project <> These are from two different RFCs, I guess. Bad luck. GOsa uses ... e simpliest way would be to remove the definition from the gosa+samba3.schema and add the alias 'date... > it utilizes in the MAY-section the birthDate from the > evolutionPerson.schema instead? > > -... ith "birthDate". The patches below were generated from GOsa 2.5.11a. Be careful, if newer GOsa-versions
- config @linux:commserv:egroupware
- ed with newer SuSE distros!): 1. create an ldif from your ldap: slapcat > my.ldif 2. run: ./nis2rfc2... ames) member attributes, by using the information from memberUid, eg. memberUid: hugo --> member: uid=... cts/corefonts * build an rpm-file. Instructions from: [[
- ca @linux:commserv:ca
- nsure there's only one CA certificate in the file from your CA. Normally there is, but ocassionally seve... ify it. First up, find the fingerprint for the CA from a trusted source (and I can't stress this one eno
- slapd_conf @linux:commserv:ldap
- Setting set_tas_spins reduces resource contention from # multiple clients on systems with multiple CP... Setting set_tas_spins reduces resource contention from # multiple clients on systems with multiple CP
- config @linux:commserv:apache2
- gnature On # This rule will redirect users from their original location, to the same location but
- openssl_ca @linux:commserv:ca
- re/ssl/misc # ./ -sign Using configuration from /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf Enter pass phrase for ./de
- gosa_secure @linux:commserv:gosa
- ation in the "location"-section of /etc/gosa.conf from: server="ldap://localhost:389" to: server="ld
- cpan2rpm @linux:commserv:other
- kefile.PL. If the user intends to build a package from a directory (i.e. user does NOT specify --spe
- lightsquid @linux:commserv:squid
- ool ==== your access.log look slightly different from standart. may be you use CUSTOM log record. at an