Unten sind die Ergebnisse Ihrer Suche gelistet.
- sarg
- it to your language # (EXCLUDELOG1) Exclude text from cron emails # + (normally, sarg, duri... l>" > $HTMLOUT/index.html } # Functions exclude_from_log () { cat $ERRORS | grep -v "$EXCLUDELOG1" |... IG -d $TODAY -o $DAILYOUT >$ERRORS 2>&1 exclude_from_log } daily () { DAILYOUT=$HTMLOUT/$DAILY mk... d $YESTERDAY -o $DAILYOUT >$ERRORS 2>&1 exclude_from_log } weekly () { WEEKLYOUT=$HTMLOUT/$WEEKLY
- lightsquid
- ool ==== your access.log look slightly different from standart. may be you use CUSTOM log record. at an