Unten sind die Ergebnisse Ihrer Suche gelistet.
- spamassassin
- ssassin/** # SpamAssassin config file for version 3.x # NOTE: NOT COMPATIBLE WITH VERSION... # See for earlier versions # Generated by http://www.yrex... box and runs every # entry against SpamAssassin. For any entries that match, # the message is copied t... aphost='localhost' imapport=0 # autodetect - 143 for standard connection, 993 for imaps usessl=0 imapp
- spamreport
- {LASTRUNFILE}` if [ -d ${TMPDIR} ]; then for DIR in ${USERFOLDERS}; do echo "D... -------------------------" >> ${PROTOFILE} ### for NEWSPAM in `find Junk -cnewer Junk/ | grep "Junk/" | grep -v "cyrus." 2> /dev/null`; do for NEWSPAM in `find Junk -cnewer ${LASTRUNFILE} | gr... 4 Tage)" >> ${PROTOFILE} for OLDSPAM in `find "Junk" -mtime +14 | grep "Junk/"