
Thanks to Peter Warasin and Raphael Vallazza from endian, I put together some minimal docu for the VMware-image.

Standard users and passwords:

  • Web-interface: admin, pwd.: endian
  • Console: root, pwd: endian

Changing Keyboard-layout, host- and domainname, root- and admin-passwords:

start „setup“ on the console

Changing network-settings:

In the VMware-Image the default-settings are:

  • GREEN_DEV=br0

Edit „/var/efw/ethernet/settings“ and change the settings with the ones you need.

After that run „/etc/rc.d/rc.netwizard.reload“ to apply the settings and restart the services.
Console output:

Setting hostname
Error: an inet prefix is expected rather than "".
* Setting network interfaces
Bringing network up
* Setting network interfaces
Stopping dnsmasq: [OK]
Could not read bypass file '/var/efw/dnsmasq//source_bypass'!
Could not read bypass file '/var/efw/dnsmasq//destination_bypass'!
Starting dnsmasq: [OK]
could not open openvpn client configuration file /var/efw//openvpn//clientconfig.
Stopping httpd: [OK]
Starting httpd: [OK]
ntpd: Initial forced synchronisation with time server: [FAILED]
starting ntpd: [OK]

→ better do a reboot ;-)
Error after configuration in the web-interface:

Not Found
The requested URL /cgi-bin/setup/step3/regwiz.cgi was not found on this server.

→ go to „https:<your-new-ip>:10443/“ and log in as admin.
After finishing the network configuartion wizard, you have e.g. the following configurations: /var/efw/ethernet/settings BLUE_ADDRESS= BLUE_BROADCAST= BLUE_CIDR=24 BLUE_DEV=br2 BLUE_NETADDRESS= BLUE_NETMASK= CONFIG_TYPE=7 GREEN_ADDRESS= GREEN_BROADCAST= GREEN_CIDR=16 GREEN_DEV=br0 GREEN_NETADDRESS= GREEN_NETMASK= ORANGE_ADDRESS= ORANGE_BROADCAST= ORANGE_CIDR=24 ORANGE_DEV=br1 ORANGE_NETADDRESS= ORANGE_NETMASK= /var/efw/uplinks/main/broadcast-address /var/efw/uplinks/main/cidr 24 /var/efw/uplinks/main/dns1 /var/efw/uplinks/main/dns2 /var/efw/uplinks/main/interface eth3 /var/efw/uplinks/main/local-ipaddress /var/efw/uplinks/main/network-address /var/efw/uplinks/main/red-type STATIC /var/efw/uplinks/main/remote-ipaddress → standard gateway /var/efw/uplinks/main/routing-prio 200 /var/efw/uplinks/main/routing-table 200 /var/efw/uplinks/main/settings DEFAULTGATEWAY= DNS1= DNS2= ENABLED=ON MAC= MTU= RED_ADDRESS= RED_BROADCAST= RED_CIDR=24 RED_DEV=eth3 RED_NETADDRESS= RED_NETMASK= RED_TYPE=STATIC RTABLE=200 TRACE_HOSTS= TRACE_MIN_HOP=2
=== Endian Firewall administrators guide: == http://www.endian.com/en/community/help/documentation/
Endian Firewall is an own distribution basically based on sources from here:
ftp://ftp.redhat.com/pub/redhat/linux/enterprise/4/en/os/i386/SRPMS But it handles configuration very different.

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  • endian/vmware.txt
  • Zuletzt geändert: 2010-12-27 16:20
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