Unten sind die Ergebnisse Ihrer Suche gelistet.
- openssl_ca @linux:commserv:ca
- on Name (eg, YOUR name) [] Email Address [] station7:/usr... on Name (eg, YOUR name) [] Email Address [] Please ent
- sarg @linux:commserv:squid
- ts). # I don't want to be warned by email about this, so, i wrote the 'text' # ... logged. # This is useful to receive email of real problems only (enjoy that) #@@@@@@@@@@@@
- credits
- f I forgot somebody by accident, please drop me a email: * Markus Winkler, Chemnitz / Germany * M
- todo
- v/2005/08/26/postfix_fuer_typo3_und_gmx_fit_machen/ in email -> Postfix -> SMTPd- / SMTP-Authentication
- config @linux:commserv:squid
- /var/log/squid/access.log" { rotate 5 mail [email protected:] size=100k sharedscr