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Passende Seitennamen:
- cpan2rpm
- ory (i.e. user does NOT specify --spec-only), the commands: perl Makefile.PL make make dist will... cessary for package creation. \\ Example: \\ For compiling the CPAN-Perl-module IO::Socket:SSL you can... up=Entwicklung/Bibliotheken/Perl" is valid for SUSE 10.0, and can differ. \\ \\ <- [[commserv:index]]
- pear_makerpm
- led the later PHP, you can use the 'pear makerpm' command to generate a specfile to build an RPM. \\ I... ktivität/Netzwerk/Web/Server" is valid for openSUSE 10.2, and can differ. \\ \\ <- [[commserv:index]]