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Passende Seitennamen:
- gosa2egw @linux:commserv:gosa
- 0 Von: Cajus Pollmeier <> An: GONICUS site administration project <gosa@oss.go... if ($this->use_dob == "1"){ /* If it is an array, the generic page has never been loaded - so there's no difference. Using an array would cause an error btw. */ - if(!is_array($this->attrs['dateOfBirth'])) { - $
- ca @linux:commserv:ca
- ates in a file, use the command below. If you get an answer of more than one, then see the section on ... nstall the certificate. As root (and now would be an ideal time to check you need to be root - only ro... ut its Hash. OpenSSL looks for certificates using an 8 byte hash value. Calculate it with: station7:
- config @linux:commserv:egroupware
- 0.2's php5-pear-auth_sasl-1.0.2-29.rpm is missing an important file: installing /usr/share/php5/PEAR/... not needed with newer SuSE distros!): 1. create an ldif from your ldap: slapcat > my.ldif 2. run: ... nts at * build an rpm-file. Instructions from: [[http://volker.dnsa
- cpan2rpm @linux:commserv:other
- .org to determine the latest distribution. If an exact match is not found, the CPAN module is used... locators will work) - In this and the above case, an automatic download of the needed tarball is p
- sarg @linux:commserv:squid
- llowing 3 steps to know how ## Requirements # a) An unix system with bash shell (like GNU/Linux, Free... any valid records, # (EXCLUDELOG2) it will output an error message (usually on 'today' reports). #
- openssl_ca @linux:commserv:ca
- certificate request A challenge password []: An optional company name []: station7:/usr/share/s
- config @linux:commserv:gosa
-> - First build of GOsa as an RPM, should work on SuSE and RedHat \\ Build RP
- slapd_conf @linux:commserv:ldap
- FTER you have a working directory # service AND an understanding of referrals. #referral ldap://ro
- pear_makerpm @linux:commserv:other
- makerpm' command to generate a specfile to build an RPM. \\ If pear makerpm generates corrupt spec-f