Unten sind die Ergebnisse Ihrer Suche gelistet.
- sieve
- ://]] * [[ /rrzk/mail/software/sieve/sieve.html]] === Sieve and SSL / TLS === **timsieved allows for SSL on con... p3s), only STARTTLS.\\ So you have to wrap it in an stunnel (, which is a another story ...**\\ Have a look at this: http://lists.horde.
- cyrus_secure
- {{:suse.png}} === TLS, IMAP over SSL (imaps) and pop3 over SSL (pop3s) === === TLS === Modify / appen... / append the SSL-settings in **/etc/cyrus.conf** and deactivate the unencrypted protocols.\\ SERVI... x/public/lmtp" prefork=1 } * Since the Cyrus-managementtool "cyradm" cannot use SSL or TLS, you have to define also a "normal" imap-service, which you
- config
- # entry must be the same as in the mailbox_transport-setting of /etc/postfix/ ! lmtpun... cmd="ctl_deliver -E 3" period=1440 # cleanup cmd="ipurge -d 30 -f" period=60 } \\ Mo... t: /var/spool/imap admins: cyrus #defaultacl: anyone lrsp allowanonymouslogin: no # 2007-05-04, chhaas: #allowplaintext: yes # 17.01.2007, chh