Unten sind die Ergebnisse Ihrer Suche gelistet.
- pear_makerpm
- tory for PHP Extensions, providing a directory of all known extensions and hosting facilities for downl... BuildRoot=%{buildroot} %postun pear uninstall --nodeps -r @package@ # rm @rpm_xml_dir@/@package@.xml %post pear install --nodeps -r @rpm_xml_dir@/@package@.xml %install pear install --nodeps -R %{buildroot} \
- cpan2rpm
- case, an automatic download of the needed tarball is performed (see notes for how). The tarball is deposited in the SOURCES directory. - a path to a tarball (e.g. /tmp/XML-Simple-1.05.tar.gz) - In this case, the tarball indicated gets copied to the SOURCES director