Unten sind die Ergebnisse Ihrer Suche gelistet.
- spamassassin
- in a foreign language. ok_languages all # Mail using locales used in these country c... in a foreign language. ok_locales all # Enhance the uridnsbl_skip_domain list with... ne option (--imappassword). # This however is a really bad idea since any user on the system can run # ps and see the command line arguments. If you really must do it non-interactively # then set the pass
- spamreport
- l an zusammenfassen: 1 Mail die alle Spammails inkl. Empfaenger beinhaltet # - Variab... MCOUNT=}" >> ${SYS_MAILFILE} echo " Gesamtanzahl aller Nachrichten mit Spam-Status: ${TOTAL_SYS_SPAMCO