Unten sind die Ergebnisse Ihrer Suche gelistet.
- monitoring
- $MAILGRAPH_BIN || { echo "$MAILGRAPH_BIN not installed"; if [ "$1" = "stop" ]; then exit 0; ... fied mailgraph.cgi to "/srv/www/cgi-bin/" * install File::Tail: openSUSE 10.2: perl-file-Tail-0.99.3.... Dependencies: rrdtools, librrds-perl To install, adjust the path to your rrdtools binaries in que... Pflogsumm README There's not much to installing pflogsumm, so it's all manual. 1. Unpac
- pflogsum
- ix-Reporting mit Pflogsum === <code> apt-get install pflogsum </code> /usr/local/bin/postfix_report.