=== force GOsa using ldaps === Change the server-configuration in the "location"-section of /etc/gosa.conf from: server="ldap://localhost:389" to: server="ldaps://localhost:636" tls="true" and you're done. \\ === force GOsa using https === ... and for https-usage instead of http change in the "main"-section: forcessl="false" to: forcessl="true" Of course your Apache2-httpd must be enabled for SSL. \\ === force GOsa using imaps/tls === Set in GOsa "Administration" -"Systems" - "Databases" - "IMAP admin access" - "Connect URL" to: {} or: {} or: {} or: {} The "novalidate-cert" in the connect-string is important, if you use self-singed certificates. See [[http://uk.php.net/manual/en/function.imap-open.php]] for all options. \\ <- [[commserv:index|index]]